Pitchstone Books
Cynical Theories - Press Release
Pitchstone Books
Cynical Theories - Press Release
A Is for Atheist
Against the New Politics of Identity
Atheism and Faitheism
An Atheist Stranger in a Strange Religious Land
Attack of the Theocrats!
Bart Ehrman Interpreted
Behind the Mormon Curtain
Blind Trust
Broken Chain
The Buddha's Story
Candidate Without a Prayer
Caught in the Pulpit
The Certainty Trap
The Citizen Lobbyist
Comforting Thoughts about Death That Have Nothing to Do with God
Coming Out Atheist
Conversations with the Father
The Counterweight Handbook
The Curious Person's Guide to Fighting Fake News
Cynical Theories
Discovering Our World
The Downfall of God (Vol. 1)
The Earthbound Parent
The Ebony Exodus Project
Emancipation of a Black Atheist
The Enchanted Globe
Enemies on the Couch
Everybody Is Wrong about God
Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism
From Apostle to Apostate
The Gift of Violence
God Bless America
Good Without God: Atheist Coloring Book
The Gospels Behind the Gospels
Help!!! There's an Elephant in My House!
Holy Fable IV
Houses of the Holy
How to Defeat Religion in 10 Easy Steps
How to Defend the Christian Faith
How Hitchens Can Save the Left
Human Aggression, War and Genocide
Humanists in the Hood
It's a Miracle!?
The Intellectual Dark Web
Jesus Christ Superstition
Jesus from Outer Space
Judaizing Jesus
Justice-Centered Humanism
Killing in the Name of Identity
Let's Make a Movie!
Life Driven Purpose
Letters in Black and White
Liberal Bullies
Life in Light of Death
Maggie and Daisy Explore the Farm
A Manual for Creating Atheists
Mere Morality
Merely Christianity
The Necessity of Secularism
The New Disciples
No Apologies
No Sacred Cows
The Nonbeliever's Guide to Bible Stories
The Nonbeliever's Guide to the Book of Mormon
Oh, Your god!
On Death, Dying, and Disbelief
Owning the Unknown
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans
The Raceless Antiracist
Religious Knives
Resurrection: Faith or Fact?
The Rise and Fall of Faith
Science Education in the Early Roman Empire
The Scientist in the Early Roman Empire
Sharing Reality
Social (In)justice
The Story of God
Time to Think
To the Cross and Back
The Trouble with God
Sold Out
The Vienna Jazz Trio
Waking Up from War
The Way of the Heathen
What You Don't Know about Religion (but Should)
When Colorblindness Isn't the Answer
When Kids Say They're Trans
Why Are You Atheists So Angry?
Women Beyond Belief
Women v. Religion
Why We BelIeve in God(s)
Young, Sick, and Invisible